Al-Kindi High School

Al-Kindi College-High School is a private Muslim reference establishment under contract with the State. For this 2024-2025 school year, 172 students from the second to the final year are enrolled in the high school. The teaching provided as well as the objectives and purposes are those defined by the National Education.


A comprehensive educational approach.

Our mission is to guide young adults in their integral development, with an emphasis on personal growth, mutual respect, and adherence to the principles of living together.

In line with the official programs of National Education, we want to allow everyone to develop their intellectual, physical, artistic, and spiritual abilities. We support students in their academic success by offering them a reassuring and structuring living environment.

  • Innovative Education and Muslim Values
  • Personalized Academic Support
  • Personal Development
  • Talent Development
  • Civic approach and responsibility
172 students in high school


Baccalaureate success rate

Our educational project prioritizes

The Al-Kindi school group, anchored in republican and humanist values, is distinguished by an innovative educational approach that aims for academic excellence, centered around values of Heritage, Endurance and Success.

Each student benefits from personalized support that encourages the development of intellectual, analytical and creative skills. The program emphasizes personal development, allowing students to cultivate their talents and strengthen their self-confidence. Finally, the institution values ​​an openness to the world and an ethical conscience, training engaged citizens ready to face the future challenges of our global society.

Importance of Values

Importance of Muslim values ​​and educational approach based on the principles of Islam.

Academic Excellence

Commitment to building a bridge to knowledge, with a focus on Legacy, Endurance, and Success.

Personalized Support

Individualized approach for each student aimed at developing a deep understanding of academic subjects.

Skills Development

Focus on improving intellectual, analytical and creative abilities.

Personal Development

Encouragement of self-discovery, cultivation of unique talents and development of self-confidence.

International Opening

Importance given to learning languages ​​and understanding different cultures.

Social and Ethical Consciousness

Development of social and ethical values ​​to form responsible citizens.

Préparation à la Société Future

Preparing young people to contribute positively to society and face future challenges.

The Al-Kindi school group aims to shape an innovative and excellent educational environment, based on ethical, humanist and civic values, which promotes the integral development and cultural openness of each student.


Heading for the baccalaureate

Our institution offers a variety of tracks and language options to meet the needs and interests of each student.

General stream

Al-Kindi High School has two general 1st year classes and one final year class.

Technology sector

The Al Kindi High School has a 1st technological class (STMG) and a Terminale technological class (STMG).

Languages, specialties and options

The modern languages ​​taught remain the same as in middle school, namely English, Arabic and Spanish.

It is also possible to follow other languages ​​via the CNED (Turkish, German, Italian, Russian etc.).

As part of the baccalaureate reform implemented by the National Education and in accordance with the official programs, the Al-Kindi High School offers a selection of 8 specialties for the general stream, as well as a specialty for the technological stream.

These specialties are carefully chosen to offer students a diversified education adapted to their academic and professional aspirations.

The following specialty courses are offered :

  • Life and Earth Sciences
  • Physics-Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Economic and Social Sciences
  • History-Geography, Geopolitics, Political Sciences

Other courses can be followed via the CNED :

  • LLCE
  • NSI

The “Islamic culture” option is offered to students as an optional course. Our school welcomes all students, without distinction of origin or religion.

Preparation for specialty tests

Students are monitored in their orientation by the teaching team. Meetings with professionals as well as outings are organized throughout the year to allow our students to discover different professions (student fair, Higher Education Days, orientation forum).

Preparation for the oral exam

Our students are closely supported by specialist teachers, in the choice of their themes and in preparation for the oral exam, in particular through individual work time and the setting up of mock orals.

Terminale students benefit from the support of a main teacher who helps them make their choices and complete their PARCOURSUP file.


Procédure d’admission

Le groupe scolaire Al-Kindi est un établissement d’enseignement privé musulman reconnu par l’État. L’enseignement qui y est dispensé ainsi que les objectifs et les finalités répondent à ceux définis par l’Éducation Nationale.

Notre établissement prépare aux examens dans le respect desdits programmes et orientations. Il s’inscrit «rigoureusement » dans le cadre des orientations définies par le Ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de la Recherche et de la Technologie, en tenant compte des évolutions les plus récentes.


Les demandes de préinscription pour la rentrée 2024 se déroulent du 13 novembre 2023 au 30 novembre 2023. Elles s’effectuent exclusivement depuis notre site internet via le lien suivant.

Les inscriptions pour la rentrée 2023-2024 sont closes.

Frais de scolarité

Grille tarifaire 2023-2024


Pre-registration requests for the 2024 school year will take place from November 13, 2023 to November 30, 2023. They can be made exclusively from our website:

Online procedure


Admission procedure

The admissions process to our private school is designed to be transparent and fair, ensuring rigorous selection of candidates who share our values ​​and educational goals.

Compliance and specificities of private education

The Al-Kindi school group is a private Muslim educational establishment recognized by the State. The teaching provided there as well as the objectives and purposes meet those defined by the National Education.

Synthesis between official requirements and educational developments

Our establishment prepares for exams in compliance with the said programs and orientations. It is “rigorously” within the framework of the orientations defined by the Minister of National Education, Research and Technology, taking into account the most recent developments.

Registrations for the 2023-2024 school year are closed.

Sotck exchange

Scholarship application form for the 2024-2025 school year

The national college scholarship application campaign for the 2024-2025 school year
will run from September 1 to October 17, 2024 inclusive.

For students enrolled in private institutions under contract or authorized to receive national scholarship holders, the scholarship application will be made only using the college scholarship application form downloadable above. You can first do an online simulation of the scholarship application via the following link.



General manager

Mr. Abdelouahb Bakli

Deputy Director

Mr. Karim Chihi


Mr. Alaeddin Abou Saleh

School life

Senior Education Advisor

Mr. Foued Kaabache

Executive Assistant

Mrs. Abla Halkoum


Mrs. Nadia Chouchane

HR Manager

Mr. Bocar Fofana

Main teachers

Second level

Mr. Loïc Wiejazka

Mr. Djelloul Rezali

First Level

Mrs. Lamia Guehaz

Mrs. Mebarki

Mr. Habib Mehennaoui

Terminal level

Mr. Boun Oumar Dia

Mr. Karim Djellouli