Fort de notre passé, nous construisons l’avenir avec persévérance et réussite.

“School is where dreams take shape and minds flourish”

Albert Einstein

In a few words…

The Al-Kindi school group is a private Muslim educational establishment.

Under contract with the State (80% of classes are under contract and 20% of classes are outside contract) and open to all, Al-Kindi welcomes students from CP to Terminale from all over the Lyon region and much more.

It is jointly that the teaching staff, the staff, the families, and the students, work to build a space of education and knowledge.

Our news

Our commitments

Quality education

We are committed to providing quality education, with an emphasis on excellence, individual development and preparation for the challenges of tomorrow’s world.

Cultivating the potential of each student

We cultivate a dynamic and inclusive learning environment, where each student is encouraged to develop their full academic, civic, social and personal potential.

This project can only be achieved with a close relationship between the student, family and teaching team.

a crossroads of knowledge

Our mission

The main mission of the Al-Kindi school group is to be a crossroads of knowledge through excellence that promotes values ​​dear to our establishment:

  • Legacy
  • Endurance
  • Success

The latter strives to offer its students an intellectual, civic, cultural, spiritual and supportive opening which will allow them to become the citizens of tomorrow.

Al Kindi in figures

Explore our academic performance: high baccalaureate and brevet success rates,
accompanied by a thriving student community. Proud of our educational excellence !

Number of students
Baccalaureate success rate
Patent success rate
from small to large

Our classes

Al-Kindi offers a diverse educational environment, characterized by the presence of different classes that meet the educational needs of students.

These classes generally span the primary through secondary levels, providing a continuum of learning for children and adolescents.

quick access

Resources: Diving into our
school ecosystem.

find us

General information


Home: 04 78 49 02 02

School life: 04 78 49 02 29


Al Kindi School Group

17 rue Sully 69150 Décines-Charpieu



Discover the captivating and heartfelt stories of those who make our school’s heart beat. Words of gratitude, inspiration and learning, shared by the essential members of our educational community.

« My years at Al-Kindi were the best of my school life.»

(Merve, Former student)

accès rapide

Praesent convallis gravida

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc magna odio, cursus quis nibh eget, convallis varius dolor. Sed quam orci, auctor a nibh id, posuere laoreet ex. Phasellus ornare pulvinar blandit. Nam vitae orci pellentesque, placerat mi ac, convallis dui. Praesent gravida et dui et dignissim.