Primary School

School is a place of socialization and learning for children and it is through the values ​​that our school advocates that we wish to transmit this to our students.


A comprehensive educational approach.

Our goal is to help children grow in all dimensions of the person by promoting the development of each person while respecting others but also the rules of living together.

In line with the official programs of National Education, we want to allow everyone to develop their intellectual, physical, artistic, and spiritual abilities. We support students in their academic success by offering them a reassuring and structuring living environment.

Our educational project favors:

Learn to learn :

The acquisition of knowledge, know-how and the development of skills to enable everyone to better exploit their abilities and wealth.

The sense of effort by developing a taste for work in learning. We are committed to ensuring that each student invests in their work.

Education for responsibility and autonomy at work.

Learning to live with others :

Teach respect for others, oneself and the environment, by cultivating tolerance and a sense of responsibility, while valuing the common good, including respect for school staff.

ntegrate and respect the rules of common life; Promote
the spirit of cohesion, mutual aid and fraternity among students.

Develop the civic qualities of each person: tolerance, solidarity, civic sense. Accept each person in their differences, without prejudice ;

This support should enable the child to take his place in society and become a responsible adult who respects group norms.

Our educational project offers the child an opening through several activities and highlights :

Learning the Arabic language from CP but also English.

Outings, cultural and sporting discoveries, green class (CM1 and CM2)

Use of digital media, sharing and solidarity actions…

The “awakening to faith” option is offered to students as an option. Our establishment welcomes all students, without distinction of origin or confession.

We believe that the happier a child is, the better he or she learns. We are therefore attentive to the well-being of each person at school. We ensure the integration of ALL students through a caring approach.

To implement our educational project, we can count on a large educational team. Indeed, the educational team of the primary school is a multidisciplinary team composed of :

  • School teachers
  • Arabic language teachers
  • Teachers of Awakening to Faith
  • A speaker in Physical Education and Sports
  • An executive assistant
  • After-school activity leaders
  • School catering workers.

This daily project aims to create optimal working conditions, with monitoring and involvement of teachers, in a favorable environment. The goal is to help each child grow, by supporting their academic success and personal development.

Opening hours and services

School life

Languages, options and workshops

Students are welcomed
Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m.* to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
*9:00 a.m. for students not registered for the faith awareness option

Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for everyone :
Students therefore have classes on Wednesday afternoon and have Friday afternoon off.


Procédure d’admission

Le groupe scolaire Al-Kindi est un établissement d’enseignement privé musulman reconnu par l’État. L’enseignement qui y est dispensé ainsi que les objectifs et les finalités répondent à ceux définis par l’Éducation Nationale.

Notre établissement prépare aux examens dans le respect desdits programmes et orientations. Il s’inscrit «rigoureusement » dans le cadre des orientations définies par le Ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de la Recherche et de la Technologie, en tenant compte des évolutions les plus récentes.


Les demandes de préinscription pour la rentrée 2024 se déroulent du 13 novembre 2023 au 30 novembre 2023. Elles s’effectuent exclusivement depuis notre site internet via le lien suivant.

Frais de scolarité

Grille tarifaire 2024-2025


Pre-registration requests for the 2024 school year will take place from November 13, 2023 to November 30, 2023. They can be made exclusively from our website :

Online procedure


Admission procedure

The admissions process to our private school is designed to be transparent and fair, ensuring rigorous selection of candidates who share our values ​​and educational goals.

Compliance and specificities of private education

The Al-Kindi school group is a private Muslim educational establishment recognized by the State. The teaching provided there as well as the objectives and purposes meet those defined by the National Education.

Synthesis between official requirements and educational developments

Our establishment prepares for exams in compliance with the said programs and orientations. It is “rigorously” within the framework of the orientations defined by the Minister of National Education, Research and Technology, taking into account the most recent developments.

Registrations for the 2023-2024 school year are closed.



General manager

Mr. Abdelouahb Bakli


Mr. Nathanael Gentner

Mrs. Chahrazad Smail


Mr. Alaedin Abou Saleh

Executive Assistant

Mrs. Semra Gocer


French core teachers

Mrs. Chahrazad Smail

Mrs. Nawalle Bouchbout

Mrs. Samia Raoudi

Mr. Nathanael Gentner

Faith Awakening Teachers

Mrs. Lina Samarli

Mrs. Kaouther Amira

Mrs. Samia Bejaoui

Mrs. Imane Benhamouda

Mrs. Asma Heneni

Mrs. Rawad Sabsoub

Arabic core teachers

Mr. Mahmoud Birem

Mrs. Imene Benhamouda